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Not sure what size screen that you need? Dowload the PDF form below and fax it back to us, we will get back to you with the model and size that you need.

Fax Sheet in PDF click here

Revolver Self Cleaning Screens are built to last. An all aluminum frame construction combined with a stainless steel cleaning system conspire against the harsh environment that they work in.  

The bearings have stood the test of time, keeping you working when you need to!

Suction sizes from 4″ to 40″ depending on your requirements

We can build a systems that will meet your needs.

This screen was adapted to a concrete structure and mounted vertically.

Lakes, rivers, canals and dugouts…. we work where you need us, when you need us to!

Why do you need a Revolver Screen?
Growing time is short and you need to be able to deliver water to your crops when needed.
Down time is NOT an option.
Plus, cleaning your intake screens will take you away from other tasks, and ties up valuable man hours.

Get a reliable solution today!